OORAH! Time to #FlyWithTheMarines

OORAH! Time to #FlyWithTheMarines

With the Marine Corps Marathon upon us, we enlisted Caitlin Kovalkoski, one of our local DC/MD/VA Volée leaders to share the scoop on her favorite things to do in the nation's capital. Whether you're racing or spectating, here are a few of Caitlin's top recommendations. Enjoy!
Hannah Calvert
Carrie Mack's Do Not Open Until Race Day

Carrie Mack's Do Not Open Until Race Day

Remember when you decided to finally answer some of those “what if” questions you had allowed to linger in that corner of your heart? Gosh, I’m glad you did that. In doing so, you have given yourself this moment. And this moment is all you ever wanted. All you could have asked for, really. The opportunity to rise and grind to the finish and share what you’re truly capable of.
Hannah Calvert
Bellingham Bay or Bust!

Bellingham Bay or Bust!

In less than two days our senior designer, Kami Beckendorf, and president, Atsuko Tamura, will stand on the starting line at the Bellingham Bay Marathon. Did you guys catch that? A marathon! But not just any marathon, their FIRST marathon!
Hannah Calvert
How Canada is Selecting the Olympic Marathon Team

How Canada is Selecting the Olympic Marathon Team


With Spring just around the corner comes the excitement of Spring marathons. For many Canadian marathon athletes this means looking to secure a fast time to be considered for selection to one of the Canadian Marathon teams. For 2019 there are marathon team spots available for both Worlds and the Pan Am games, and for 2020 the Tokyo Olympics.

The selection for the world marathon team and the Pan Am team this year is quite straightforward. The top times within the qualification window, and that have achieved the World or Pan Am standard, will be selected to the team. The World standard for the women’s marathon being 2:37 and the Pan Am standard being 2:50. Athletics Canada has chosen to stay with the time standard criteria given by the IAAF. Selection for the Tokyo Olympic Marathon team however is slightly different. 

Allyson Ely
26 Must-Race Half Marathons Around the Country

26 Must-Race Half Marathons Around the Country

Ah, the half marathon. A runner’s beloved racing distance. April has traditionally been deemed marathon month, but we’re welcoming the half marathon to join in the festivities. This month, we’re celebrating the marathon AND the half marathon. 13.1 miles is not just a half, it’s a full half and we’re lovin’ it up!
Hannah Calvert