Kristin Metcalf

This weekend we have three Oiselle Haute Volée women competing in the USA Half Marathon Championships in Houston, Texas. This race runs in conjunction with the Aramco Houston Half Marathon. Houston is a seasoned veteran as a host for national championship events and the annual marathon-half marathon races. Special to our office was the 2012 US Trials Marathon in Houston when Sally, Lesko and Sarah Mac cheered on the elite field with Stephanie Bruce among the competitors. And now this year we are preparing to watch these three talented women among an impressive field. To qualify to race in the Half Champs at 6:55am on Sunday, women must have half marathon times under 1:17, sub 2:42:18 in the marathon and sub 34:48 in the road 10k. More information on the Half Championship can be found here.

We are with you in spirit! Go Fast. Take Chances.

Oiselle Haute Volée


Kara Foster
I could not be more excited for this race! It's been my main focus since the end of track season last year. There is going to be such great competition which I'm sure will lead to fast times on a flat course! I'd love to race in the top 10 and hopefully finish in the top 5. As far as a time goal goes, I'm hoping for 1:12 to 1:13. No matter what, I'm looking forward to a fun weekend focused on competition!


Allison Maxson
I can think of no better way to kick off my 2015 season than racing the USA Half Championship for Oiselle, alongside a great group of speedy Oiselle teammates. After being sidelined for much of 2013 and the start of 2014, the past year has been all about making a strong and steady comeback. In 2013 I moved with my husband, started a new job, and was forced to take 6 months off of running due to injury. During this time, I never lost sight of my goals, and my desire to run fast only grew. When I was able to run again, I had a healthy body, a fresh perspective, and new coaches Stephanie and Ben Bruce. I found the right training program that suited me, and I qualified for the Olympic Trials at the Chicago Marathon, something I had dreamt about for many years. I am excited for the upcoming opportunity to race on the national stage in Houston. With the support of Oiselle and so many awesome women around the country, I want to push my limits. Healthy. Fast. Fun. 2015, I can’t wait to get you started.


Andrea Duke
Racing the USATF Half Marathon Championships is going to be an incredible experience.  My coach, Ben Bruce, suggested this race as a benchmark race for the Boston Marathon in April, testing out some new speed training since Chicago. Confidence is good leading up to next weekend, as workouts have pushed me physically and mentally, testing my comfort zones. With an impressive line-up of elite women, the race in Houston will be a great opportunity to race for a PR (shooting for sub 1:17) and gain experience at a high level competition. 

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Allyson Ely