“When you're on the right path, the universe conspires to help you.” - Brené Brown in conversation with Chad Sanders (author of Black Magic). [Brené was slightly adapting Paulo Coelho’s The Alchemist: “And, when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you achieve it.”] I like Brené’s version better. It evokes that feeling of synergy, things lining up, momentum. That feeling that anything is possible.

History: It is hard to believe it’s only been 4 years since we launched the Bras for Girls donation and education program. When we first started BFG in 2017, we felt it was a great idea, but we had no idea of the potential reach. It’s been remarkable! Today we have donated more than 10,500 bras to more than 100 girls’ athletic programs, and we’ve created longitudinal relationships with many highly impactful teams, schools, and programs.

The Big Idea: We must repudiate popular culture messages that tell girls their bodies are inferior. We must fully support girls learning to love, use, and care for their bodies. What we know, from significant research, is that middle school is an age at which it’s extremely important to hear a body-positive message. It’s our hope that Bras for Girls exists in that space.

Gratitude: Over the life of the program, Title Nine has supplemented our donations with band and cup size bras, while we were still developing these styles. We love our partners in generosity! We are also so thankful for the involvement of our Haute Volée and Volée with Bras for Girls. The Volée team directly supports Bras for Girls, as each Volée team membership donates one bra to the program. Teammates have also nominated recipient programs, implemented giveaways, and demonstrated bra fittings for girls all over the country. Just a few of their observations:  

“It was exciting to see these girls find their sports bra and understand how crucial it is to find clothing that makes them feel good, as well as be active.” - Volée Jessica Spitsen

“Even though the topic might feel awkward, it is so important to change that conversation from awkward and embarrassing to empowering.” - Volée Sheena Caines

“Because of Oiselle’s generosity of donating a well-made physical support garment, they have actually facilitated a process for emotional support and health support too, that may result in a lifetime of improved health.” - Susie Lutz, Cascade Middle School Track and Field Coach

“We talked breast health and development before fitting the students for sports bras. New Oiselle sports bras paired with great conversation provided a transformational confidence boost for each of the students.” - Volée Jen Hawley Price


What’s New? 2021 has so much in store for Bras for Girls! We’re working on understanding the effects of receiving sports bras on middle school girls - stand by for more info on our future research partnerships. We are also looking into ways to simplify outside donations to Bras for Girls - we’ve heard that request loud and clear. And finally, we are so excited to announce the launch of our new In2Sports Bra - which will be an always-available style from Oiselle. Each In2Sports bra purchase will donate one of the same bras to our Bras for Girls Program. Buy one, give one. Simple and effective. And best of all, this bra has received rave reviews for comfort and support from wear-testers, from 12-year-old girls to elite athletes!

Get Involved: “Think global, act local.” This advice still rings true - and getting involved with your community provides 360° benefits to all involved.

-Do you know a program in your community or neighborhood that could benefit from sports bras and breast development education? Please connect with their leadership and encourage them to submit information with this Bras for Girls nomination form. We’ve got bras to give!

-You can also review and share breast development and bra education materials here.

-Are you interested in the Volée Team and team give-back initiatives? Learn more here!

And finally, please do check out our new In2Sports Bra! We think you’ll love it, and you’ll exercise knowing you’ve provided a necessary sports bra to a girl in need. Thank you for being a valued part of our community!

Sarah Lesko
Tagged: style team