Behind the Scenes: Mesh Tank and New Models


A couple weeks ago our good friend, runner and now Mountain State Oiselle rep, Sarah K, came out to Seattle for a the Kingston Adventure's ReTREAT. She had a day to spend in Seattle and somehow I convinced her to model a couple pieces in the line we didn't have photos of. I mean convince is a strong word. I think she was here at Oiselle HQ before I was done with the question. Ahh the lure of the camera.

Jen Bigham has also been here for part of the summer, so naturally I asked her too. It's always nice to have fabulous runner ladies (both moms, no less) on hand for impromptu photo shoots.

One of the pieces I needed them to model the new Oiselle Mesh Tank. The Mesh Tank is new for late summer season. The same light, super wicking fabric used in the much loved Simplicity Tank, this top is ready for heat. For real. I typically like to wear just a sports bra in the heat, but that kind of stands out in Seattle so I shy away from it. This tank is like running sans shirt. Which is why I now have three.

Even Jen's little one tried her hand at some action modeling. I wish I could say we're selling that headband.

During our studio shoot for Fall 12 I paired the running tank with long sleeved tops, like the stripey.  Turns out it’s a great base layer that adds a pop of color. I love getting summer clothes that transition to fall and spring. Maximize the budget, maximize the space in the running threads drawer!

Check out Jen and Sarah's final shots and shop the Mesh Running Tank here.


Jasyoga stopped by HQ!


Stretching after a long run or workout is like watching paint dry. Hence, I don't do it for very long if at all! On Monday, HQ brought in the pro, Jasyoga owner/founder Erin Taylor to teach our runner bodies a thing or two about a new concept - yoga made specifically for runners. And this was the result...

(Oiselle crew, and Lauren Fleshman!, with special guest Erin Taylor, owner/founder of Jasyoga)

Okay, we're posers but who would have thought... our new design room doubles as a yoga studio and just one class had us in perfect standing tree pose? The beauty of expanding is priceless (apparently for space AND hip flexibility). Thanks to Erin, the nest may have found a new post-run hobby. 

If you weren't here, well, you missed out - Erin knows her stuff! After being introduced to yoga in her collegiate years playing basketball, Erin created a yoga practice designed specifically for the needs of athletes. Lucky for us, her style of teaching spoke to a runner’s body more than I’ve experienced from any yoga class... Bikram, Hatha, Restorative, you name it. 

While attempting to reiterate each stretch may get me in trouble, pictures always do justice (bear with me, and the iPhone camera). Most gals in the office joined in plus our celeb weekend guest, Lauren Fleshman, to see what Jasyoga is all about. So we began, lengthening different parts of the body while always keeping a conscious focus on our breathing.

Calf stretches, foot stretches (that I didn't know were possible)...and of course, no yoga class is complete without "cat-cow."

Along with maintaining deep steady breathing, Erin's yoga series was targeting every major muscle group in my body. Everything from IT band and hamstring stretches, to lengthening the sides of the body and opening up space for the hips to move more fluidly.

As a runner, I don't realize how many different muscle groups I bang around every day, and how many of them are NOT stretched in my casual five minute routine.

As Erin explains it, there are three ways Jasyoga facilitates better running:  

  1. Erin: "Limiting your range of motion puts limits on your athleticism." Jasyoga helps prevent injuries, with emphasis on how flexibility and range of motion are key pillars for an athlete. 
  2. Erin: "Your breath is your most powerful tool because it helps you to focus and relax at the same time." As a runner, the ability to control and harness your breath can vastly increase endurance. 
  3. Erin: "Getting out of your usual plane of movement helps keep your body in balance" Jasyoga's technique helps this by strengthening and stretching the sides of the body. 

We've only just hopped on the bandwagon, joining many teams in the Seattle area including University of Washington and Seattle University athletic teams. If you're in the area and want to take a Jasyoga class, check out their Fall Jasyoga Kickoff beginning September 10th - you'll see me there! 

Huge thanks to Erin and Jasyoga. Complimentary introduction class, Luna Bars, and tee's - what an awesome gig. Ready for round 2!


Lessons in Awesome by Kate Grace

The Flock


A few weeks ago I got to hang with our favorite crew in Seattle. Now I'm planning a return trip, and I've been thinking back as I look forward. Why am I so excited for the second time? Because of all the fun things I learn the first time 'round.

Office culture:

Less cubicle, more sleep over. If sleepover implied time that was not only fun, but über productive, and girl-powery.

Coffee discovery:

My stubborn side comes out when ordering Starbucks. Why ask for a grande when I can have a medium. Not in Seattle. Ms. Know-it-all just looks like she lives under a rock. I came around after that first, embarrassing, group coffee run. And I discovered so many new things when I finally opened to the experience (find a moral in there somewhere).

Some finds…

-flavors you can add. like dunkin donuts! (my east coast is showing)

-different blends. they have names! they change... daily!

-reserve roasts. they are expensive! that must mean they are good! or sustainable!

-this cool pressy coffee thingy called the clover. it "uses innovative Vacuum-Press™ technology to create your cup right in front of you" (thank you it also creates a cool cylinder of mushed coffee grounds that comes out the top. they don't give that to you, but I enjoyed watching it form.

Run this city

Seattle has the weirdest layout. There is water on all sides. Water in the middle. It all connects, somehow.  But it's not an island, none of the bodies are an ocean, but some are salty. However it works, one thing is for sure: it's awesome for running. You are never far from a great view. Paths crisscross the city, and circumvent the lakes (like the one literally a block from HQ). Did my first long run back from break while there. Our victory picture:

There are eagles in them there hills:

Seriously. Big, badass ones. Got to see some during the ultimate summer day on Mercer Lake, with Sally and Sarah Lesko and families. My mom thinks I'm a jerky driver in her car, whole other level when behind the wheel of a boat.

I only wish my trip had overlapped with Olympic track coverage. Especially with the sweet new viewing couch. Maybe Mac, JJ and I can reenact exciting moments from the Games when I go back (modeling, acting, same deal... right?!). I'm working on my Galen impression.

Atsuko Tamara

Run for Ganosesgeh 2012: A Bird Flies Home



Guest Blog by Alex McGlinn of Team Oiselle

Alex loves running, biking, swimming, a good book and believes that jumping pictures can save the world!



When I was little, I didn’t really know what it meant to be Native American. Sure, I knew that it meant that my maternal relatives lived on a reservation, and that we are all bound together in a tribe, but I would have been hard-pressed to tell you anything beyond that.  Now that I am older, however, I find myself fascinated by the stories, the beautiful dances, and the intricacies and nuances of a shrinking culture and lifestyle. Living overseas, while affording me many fantastic opportunities, means that I am far removed from the reservation and my tribe. While this didn’t bother me in my younger years, I find the quiet of the land and the tug of family pulling tighter at my heartstrings as the years go by. It is the only reason I can pinpoint that has me running (quite literally) back to this place summer after summer after summer.

Here’s a quick history lesson: I belong to a tribe called the Tonawanda Band of Seneca. We are part of the Six Nations Iroquois, along with five other groups: Onondaga, Oneida, Mohawk, Tuscarora, and Cayuga. We maintain our sovereignty as a people to this day, which means that we function independently of the US Government. We uphold our own rules and laws and settle our own disputes on our reservation as directed by our Chiefs and Clan Mothers. If you would like to know more, you can check out this page.

Every year, our tribe celebrates and raises funds for the longhouse with a Field Day, held on the first Sunday in August. If you come, you can see traditional dances (smoke dancing and fancy dancing), cheer on the lacrosse games, play horseshoes or beach volleyball, and read about the history of the tribe in the historical tent. You can even partake in some delicious food (Indian tacos, frybread, corn soup, chicken barbecue, and strawberry smoothies are at the top of my list).  While the vendors and tents change from year to year, the general premise is the same. It is a chance for the residents of the reservation and the surrounding community to come together and break bread.

The tribe has been celebrating Field Day every year for as long as my mom can remember; however, it is only within the last 6 years that we have added a run through the reservation to kick off the festivities. Even though this is a relatively new event, the relationship that the tribe has with running is not. My mom told me that long ago when a chief died, the other chiefs ran from reservation to reservation wailing loudly in grief to communicate his passing. While that tradition has fallen to quicker modes of communication, we still run for competition and sport. As the younger generation begins to take on the responsibilities of organization, different activities pop up, and I have to say, this one is my favorites, especially knowing that I have all that amazing food to sample later in the day!

This year, the run started at 9:00 am; bikers left at 9:00 and runners at 9:15. I got there around 8:00 to get registered and set up. I let my friend Coach K talk me into doing this as a bike/run, so the plan was for us to bike the entire course at 9:00, complete the 4 miles and transition in that time, and be ready to roll out at 9:15! I was more than a bit nervous; I didn’t want to slow everyone down, even though Megan (the awesome race director who coordinates everything from routes to sponsors to t-shirts) said she would hold the pack until we were ready to go.

My nerves are evident on my face, although I should not have worried. My Garmin had trouble locating the satellites so I just rode alongside Coach, who kept me updated with our distance and pace. He even told me when we were almost back at the starting line, which we reached in less than 13 minutes. Plenty of time to unclip and slip on my running shoes! I was at the starting line, along with all the other runners, before 9:15.

It was around this time that I became cognizant of why I really love these runs for many, many reasons. First and foremost, I am surrounded by people that I will be tied to, by friendship and familial lines, for many years to come. We run through some of the most beautiful land that I have ever seen; it is lush and verdant with the smell of flowers and sweet grass following you all the way to the finish line. The intersections and water stops are manned by community members that have been a part of my life for as long as I have been alive and will be until I am too old to do much more than grin at them, all gums and wrinkles. For a kid who grew up hopping from country to country and school to school  (first as a student and now as a teacher), there is no greater comfort than to be able to come to where your momma and your momma’s momma were born and run pell-mell through there. There just isn’t.

I finished the race in 28:44, which was not a PR for me, but was fast enough to hang on to my 3rd year as the first female finisher. Between you and me, though, I would run this race even if I came in last. The special icing on the cake for me was being able to share this run with one of my former Kwajalein running buddies (who has since relocated), Lisa, and her two daughters Nikky and Heather, both of whom were in my 3rd grade class. Lisa has helped me through some really tough training times by sticking to her “No Family Left Behind” philosophy (which means that if you are lagging behind she will come back and pick you up), pacing me in the last miles of my marathons, and picking me up off the ground when I fell off my bike. Twice.  I was really excited when I saw her come over the finish line, and even more excited when she got a prize as well.

It isn’t every day that I get participate in a run that hits so close to home for me with people that I love and admire. Now that I am an adult, I am *still* learning what it means to be an active and productive member of our tribe. I know that I still have many things to discover, but running this race year after year brings me a couple steps closer, and for that, I am infinitely thankful.


Marathon Tote


Was it all a dream? I had a dream we threw a party in Track Town and MC Hammer was there... and Lauren Fleshman and Alysia Montano. Luckily, we have photographic proof it wasn't all in our heads. Photo booth proof - because what happens in the Photo Booth does not stay in the Photo Booth. Track Town Olympic Trials...unhooked and unleashed. Enjoy the all the pics!


And for fun, see if you can find all the below cameos. Vote on your favorite cameo appearance by midnight PST tonight (8/13) and we'll send them a framed photo! You can find the cameo in a tweet from this AM. Again, we're sorry for the feed flood.

Cameos to be on the look out for:


What's your Flightpath


Have you seen the Mckayla is Not Impressed Tumblr? We won't comment on anything other than ... this made us laugh here at HQ. It's the ultimate face of meh. And the more ridiculous photos that add it too the more hilarious it becomes. (Yes I just killed the humor with explanation). After some solid laugh time, we wondered... would Mckayla be impressed with Oiselle? MCHammer? Alysia Montano?


Sports Bra dance party. No thanks.


Hammer plus Olympian in the 800? Meh.

MCHammer DJing? Not impressed.


My Favorite Shorts


There are 53 days left of summer, and by summer I mean "running shorts season". This inspired me to ask our teammates and Twitter friends what their favorite shorts were. Find out why people love what they do...and see them on a real live body! You might just be inspired to invest in a fresh pair of running shorts to replace one of those overworked ones in your drawer. You know the ones...

Runner: Meghan

Twitter: EnduroTwerd

Blog: Meghan's Wanderings

Favorite Shorts: Bum Wrap

Why: I've never owned a running skirt and have always thought of them as a 'pink it and shrink it' sort of ploy - making running somehow more feminine (as if it wasn't already), less athletic and less competitive.  To me they just added unnecessary bulk and on a girl with no hips I didn't find them flattering.  But then I saw the bum wrap online I was drawn to it for several reasons.  One, the focus seemed more on the compression shorts underneath.  Providing a more athletic look and functioning like a speed short.  Two, the wide band at the top is a flattering look especially on us non-curvy figures.  And three, the length of the wrap is subtly feminine that doesn't add bulk and maintains that speedy feel.  When it arrived I was still tentative but putting it on for the first time and running a leg of the Ragnar Relay in it I'm sold.  I didn't even notice that it was a "skirt" while I ran.  To me it felt like any other speed short.  Not to mention - my butt just looks good in it!

Runner: Becky

Twitter: Bleung

Blog: Fierce Runner

Favorite Shorts: Stride Short

Why: The Stride short is one of my favorite shorts to run in because it hugs on me comfortably and makes me feel confident when I run. It has really high quality material with a great amount of stretch so there is no restriction when I'm running, making me run really fast. Plus it makes every woman's booty look great!

Runner: Mac

Twitter: Oiselle_Mac

Blog: Running Starfish

Favorite Shorts: Long Roga

Why: I love the Long Roga because there is nothing else like it. When you need or want a fuller coverage short that doesn't look mum or frump, there is nothing else like the Long Roga. The same flattering design as the original Roga with add length and a big side zip pocket in addition to the back zip. This is THE trail running short. And perfect for hiking.

Runner: Kelly

Twitter: KellyWils0n

Blog: Running Kellometers

Favorite Shorts: Lori Short

Why: They don't ride up. They are flattering in the "behind" region much more so than other shorts I've tried, while also having room at the same time. The built-in underwear is soft and the inside pocket is much larger than I'm used to (in a good way). They were my gateway to the Oiselle brand and I haven't looked back! :) (Full blog review here)

Runner: Jen

Twitter: Local Elite

Blog: Local Elite

Favorite Shorts: Violet Rogas

Why: I love the roga short in general, for the lightweight feel, the perfect fit and because they just look great! I get so many compliments on the violet roga. Everyone loves the color (and I do too)!

Runner: Sarah

Twitter: SarahOUaL

Blog: Once Upon A Lime

Favorite Shorts: Distance or Roga (Distance pictured)

Why: An inseam long enough to cover but not too long to creep, and a looser leg opening that's magically un-poofy...  

In short: Fast legs, hot buns! (not to mention the side zipper pocket is big enough for an iPhone!)

 Roga review here.


Runner: Sarah K (AKA Lucy)

Twitter: RunnerLucy

Favorite Shorts: Distance Short

Why: I love the distance short for the carrying capacity. I love how Oiselle pockets stuff up and the distance short has the max! I use the side pocket for a key, the back pocket for a gel and credit card (for after run treat). I also love the light, almost weightless feeling of the fit and material. It is like a classic running short without being nerdy-short or poofy and it makes me feel speedy!


First Fall 2012 Threads - You Decide


I know you are all eager for our new Fall 2012 line to drop! And it's arriving day by day to our warehouse. We can set up one product next week, and I can't decide which one. SO I'm leaving it up to you! Vote on which Fall 2012 product you want first! Vote up until Monday (Noon PST) and the product will be ready to shop and ship on Tuesday!

How to Vote
Twitter - tell which shirt you want first by using its hashtag! Either #stripey or #hereigo
Blog - leave a comment (don't fret if you don't see it right away-I have to approve it first)

Voting ends Monday 7/30 at noon PST

You might remember this tee, je m'en vais (here i go) from last summer's vintage Oiselle giveaway. We brought this beauty back for Fall 2012 just for you!


BS on the Olympic Games Sponsor Black Out


I'm sure by now you've read all about the Blackout surrounding the Olympics. Or you've just heard the term thrown around without quite knowing what it means, or why it matters. I won't reinvent the wheel here, there have been some great articles written about the Blackout. What it means for brands and more importantly what it means for athletes and their sports. Especially what we might call, 'lower income' sports like Track and Field where it is truly hard to make a decent living. 


Basically from July 18th - the end of the Olympics the athletes can't promote the brands that sponsor them, and the brands can't promote their athlete. Unless of course, the athlete is sponsored by Nike or possibly Adidas or another 'official' Olympic sponsor. Of which there are very few. That means that Amy Hastings, despite being sponsored by Brooks can't wear Brooks shoes on the podium if she takes a medal. She'll be doled out a pair of Nikes.


Big deal, right? Yeah it is a big deal and here's why. Athletes in this sport aren't your NBA, NFL players with a house on Cribs (that's still a thing, right? no?) they are often working a day job, training 5 hours a day and struggling to buy food. They finally land a sponsor and get to train full time (if they are lucky), if it's a smaller company it can be a big percentage out of marketing dollars to sponsor a talent. Then when this athlete in, say, the 10,000m finally makes it to a world stage with <gasp> NBC coverage! Sorry, you're out. Nike is in. And not only is your athlete wearing head to toe Nike, but you are silenced and so is your athlete. Not a word about the sponsors that have helped them reach their goals. Unless, again it's Nike or another official Olympic sponsor.

Let's be cynical business people for a moment. Hard, I know. Because we are all guts and heart for the sport. But why, why would you as a company spend money to sponsor an athlete that gets minimal media coverage until the Olympics? AND at said Olympics they can't wear your gear, talk about your gear and you can't talk about them?


Runner's World did a great job of breaking down what the USOC Guidelines mean for athletes here. It's easy to see that the guidelines don't work in the athletes or sports best interest. The article includes ways athletes are working for change like Adam Nelson who is calling for all competitors to go barefoot on the podium. Read more about his Barefoot Revolution here.

Sanya Richards-Ross is another strong advocate for change in how athletes are supported. She has been very vocal about how she feels on Twitter. Although Sanya is sponsored by Nike and perhaps earns a lucrative paycheck, she sees the others around her who don't. She sees the unlevel playing field and knows it's hurting the sport she loves. 


As you know Oiselle doesn't have an athlete in the Olympics (someday), but we love this sport and have tried to think of a creative, positive way to combat the Blackout. Here's what we came up with: during the athletes' events we all tweet out to their Blacked-Out sponsors. Like when Lolo is racing, you take a picture of yourself sipping a RedBull and Tweet "Hey @RedBull thanks for sponsoring @LoloJones. You both rock! #bsblackout" Or when Amy Hasting is running Tweet "@BrooksRunning thanks for supporting @HastyHastings! You let strong women #RunHappy!! #noblackout"

You don't know who everyone's sponsors are? For shame! I'm kidding, this took HQ about 3 days to pull together but we have it! All the athletes and Blacked-Out sponsors along with when they are actually running in London and when it will be aired on NBC (both in PST time). And there is also a printable version here for your convenience. (Lord help me the NBC schedule is confusing as it gets, so here's the link including hours of misc. track events: NBC Olympic Schedule. And the official Olympic schedule here to find qualifying heats and more.) Also follow along with @oiselle and/or #bsblackout #noblackout and you'll be in the know.

Note: we did the best we could finding all sponsors, if you're in the know and we have something wrong let us know!




Event Time (London)

Event NBC Air Time (PST)

Justin Gatlin @justingatlin


Final 4:50pm (8/5)

Final 7:00pm - 12:00am (8/6)

Tyson Gay @tysonlgay

TDK (@tdkamerica), Gillette (@Gillette), Ask Listen Learn (@AskListenLearn), EAS Sports Nutrition (@EASBrand), Adidas (@adidasrunning)*

Final 4:50pm (8/5)

Final 7:00pm - 12:00am (8/6)

Ryan Bailey

 Nike (@Nike)*

Final 4:50pm (8/5)

Final 7:00pm - 12:00am (8/6)

Carmelita Jeter @carmelitajeter

Susan G. Komen (@KomenfortheCure), Doc Dossmon (@Lbsportsdoc)

Final 4:00pm (8/4)


Tianna Madison @teamtianna

Saucony (@saucony #findyourstrong)

Final 4:00pm (8/4)


Allyson Felix @allysonfelix

Gatorade (@gatorade), Accuvue, Nike (@Nike)*

Final 4:00pm (8/4)




Wallace Spearmon


Oakley (@oakley), Saucony (@saucony #findyourstrong)

Final 3:55pm (8/9)

8:00pm - 12am (8/10)

Maurice Mitchell @swift_reece

 Nike (@Nike)*

Final 3:55pm (8/9)

8:00pm - 12am (8/10)

Isiah Young


Final 3:55pm (8/9)

8:00pm - 12am (8/10)

Sanya Richards-Ross @sanyarichiross

BP (@BP_America), BMW (@BMWGroup), Citibank (@Citibank), Nike (@Nike)*

Final 4:00pm (8/8)


Allyson Felix @allysonfelix

Gatorade (@gatorade), Accuvue

Final 4:00pm (8/8)


Carmelita Jeter @carmelitajeter

Susan G. Komen (@KomenfortheCure), Doc Dossmon (@Lbsportsdoc), Nike (@Nike)*

Final 4:00pm (8/8)




LaShawn Merritt @lashawnmerritt

 O.N.E. Coconut

(@onecoconut), Nike (@Nike)*

Final 4:30pm (8/6)


Tony McQuay @mcquay_runs

Adidas (@adidasrunning)*

Final 4:30pm (8/6)


Bryshon Nellum @bnellum1


Final 4:30pm (8/6)


Sanya Richards-Ross @sanyarichiross

BP (@BP_America), BMW (@BMWGroup), Citibank (@Citibank), Nike (@Nike)*

Final 4:10pm (8/5)


DeeDee Trotter @dtrott400m

Saucony (@saucony #findyourstrong)

Final 4:10pm (8/5)


Francena McCorory @therealmccorory

Adidas (@adidasrunning)*

Final 4:10pm (8/5)




Nick Symmonds  @nicksymmonds

Melaleuca, The Wellness Company, OTC Elite (@OregonTCElite), Hanson Dodge Creative (@hansondodge), MuscleFoot (@Muscle_Foot), Nike (@Nike)*

Final 3:00pm (8/9)

Final 9:00am-9:30am (8/6)

Tony McQuay


Adidas (@adidasrunning)*

Final 3:00pm (8/9)

Final 9:00am-9:30am (8/6)

Duane Solomon

Saucony (@saucony #findyourstrong)

Final 3:00pm (8/9)

Final 9:00am-9:30am (8/6)

Khadevis Robinson @khadevis

AdvoCare (@advocare_com), Nike (@Nike)*

Final 3:00pm (8/9)


Alice Schmidt

 Nike (@Nike)*

Final 3:00pm (8/11)


Alysia Montano @alysia800

 Nike (@Nike)*, Red Bull (@RedBull)

Final 3:00pm (8/11)


Geena Gall @geenagall

OTC Elite (@OregonTCElite), Nike (@Nike)*

Final 3:00pm (8/11)




Leonel Manzano @leomanzano

 Nike (@Nike)*

Final 4:15pm (8/7)


Andrew Wheating @andrewwheating

 Nike (@Nike)*

Final 4:15pm (8/7)


Matthew Centrowitz @mattcentrowitz

 Nike (@Nike)*

Final 4:15pm (8/7)


Morgan Uceny

Adidas (@adidasrunning)*

Final 3:55pm (8/10)

Final 9:00am-9:30am (8/6)

Shannon Rowbury @shannonrowbury

 The Olympic Club (@theolympicclub), Athletes Honey Milk (@corepower), Nike (@Nike)*

Final 3:55pm (8/10)

Final 9:00am-9:30am (8/6)

Jenny Simpson @trackjenny

 New Balance (@NBRunning)

Final 3:55pm (8/10)

Final 9:00am-9:30am (8/6)


3000m Steeplechase

Evan Jager


 Nike (@Nike)*

Final 4:25pm (8/5)


Donn Cabral

 Nike (@Nike)*

Final 4:25pm(8/5)


Kyle Alcorn

 Nike (@Nike)*

Final 4:25pm (8/5)


Emma Coburn @emmajcoburn

Student of Colorado University

Final 4:05pm (8/6)


Shalaya Kipp @shalayakipp

 Student of Colorado University

Final 4:05pm (8/6)


Bridget Franek @blfranek

 OTC Elite (@OregonTCElite), Nike (@Nike)*

Final 4:05pm (8/6)




Galen Rupp @g_rupp

 Nike (@Nike)*

Final 2:30am (8/11)


Bernard Lagat @lagat1500

 Nike (@Nike)*

Final 2:30am (8/11)


Lopez Lomong @lopezlomong

 Nike (@Nike)*

Final 2:30am (8/11)


Julie Culley


@njnytc, @nyrr, @Pro_Activity, @Garmin, @usatffoundation, @elliptiGO

Final 3:05pm (8/10)


Molly Huddle @mrsbenny1

Saucony (@saucony #findyourstrong)

Final 3:05pm (8/10)


Kim Conley @kimconley

 New Balance (@NBRunning)

Final 3:05pm (8/10)




Galen Rupp


 Nike (@Nike)*

4:15pm (8/4)

LIVE! 4:15pm

Matt Tegenkamp @matttegenkamp

 Nike (@Nike)*

4:15pm (8/4)

LIVE! 4:15pm

Dathan Ritzenhein @djritzenhein

 Nike (@Nike)*

4:15pm (8/4)

LIVE! 4:15pm

Amy Hastings @hastyhastings

Brooks (@brooksrunning)

4:25pm (8/3)

3:30pm-4:00pm (8/3)

Lisa Uhl


 OTC Elite (@OregonTCElite), Nike (@Nike)*

4:25pm (8/3)

3:30pm-4:00pm (8/3)

Janet Bawcom @janetruns

 Nike (@Nike)*

4:25pm (8/3)

3:30pm-4:00pm (8/3)



Meb Keflezighi @runmeb

 Sketchers GOrun (@SketchersUSA), PowerBar (@PowerBar), Sony (@sony), Generation UCAN (@GenUCAN), CEP Compression Socks (@CEPCompression), Citibank (@Citieverystep), New York Athletic Club (@NYACTrack_Field), Garmin (@Garmin), Oakley (@Oakley), Foot Locker (@FLRun)

Final 6:00am (8/12)


Ryan Hall @ryanhall3

Asics (@ASICSAmerica), Nissan (@NissanNews), Competitor Group, Cytomax (@cytomax), Vizio, Oakley (@oakley)

Final 6:00am (8/12)


Abdi Abdirahman @abdi_runs

 Nike (@Nike)*

Final 6:00am (8/12)


Shalane Flanagan @shalaneflanagan

 Nissan (@NissanNews), AlterG (@alter_g), Hypoxico (@hypoxico), Gatorade (@gatorade ), Nike (@Nike)*

Final 6:00am (8/5)


Desiree Davila @des_davila

Brooks-Hansons (@brooksrunning)

Final 6:00am (8/5)


Kara Goucher


Nutrilite (@nutrilitehealth), Phiten (@Phiten), Competitor Group, Nike (@Nike)*

Final 6:00am (8/5)



100m hurdles

Aries Merritt @amhurdlestar

Reebok (@Reebok)

Final 4:15pm (8/8)


Jeff Porter @teamporter2012

Reebok (@Reebok)

Final 4:15pm (8/8)


Dawn Harper @dharp100mh

Playmaker Images (@PlaymakerImages), Foot Mate System (@Footmate), Nike (@Nike)*

Final 4:15pm (8/8)

Final 9:00am-9:30am (8/6)

Kellie Wells @kelliewellz

 Oxygen 4 Energy (@Oxygen4Energy1), EFX Performance (@EFXusa), Rival Us (@RIVALUS), Nike (@Nike)*

Final 4:00pm (8/7)

Final 9:00am-9:30am (8/6)

Lolo Jones @lolojones

 Asics (@ASICSAmerica), Red Bull (@RedBull), Oakley (@oakley), Twin Lab (@Twinlab_Fuel) D.I.S.C. (@DISCmd), FloraGLO lutein (@FloraGLO)

Final 4:00pm (8/7)

Final 9:00am-9:30am (8/6)


400m hurdles

Michael Tinsley @mr400hurdles

Adidas (@adidasrunning)*

Final 3:45pm (8/6)


Angelo Taylor @angelo_taylor

 Nike (@Nike)*

Final 3:45pm (8/6)


Kerron Clement @kerronclement

 Nike (@Nike)*

Final 3:45pm (8/6)


Lashinda Demus @lashindademus

Chobani (@Chobani), Nike (@Nike)*

Final 3:45pm (8/8)


Georganne Moline

Student at University of Arizona

Final 3:45pm (8/8)


T’erea Brown @tereabrown

Adidas (@adidasrunning)*

Final 3:45pm (8/8)



High Jump

Jamie Nieto @jamienieto

Home Depot (@HomeDepot), Custom Sports Cards (@Sports_Card)

Final 2:00pm (8/7)


Erik Kynard @erik_kynard

Student at Kansas State University

Final 2:00pm (8/7)


Jesse Williams @jessehj1

OTC Elite (@OregonTCElite), Nike (@Nike)*

Final 2:00pm (8/7)


Chaunte Lowe @chauntelowe

 Nike (@Nike)*

Final 2:00pm (8/11)


Brigetta Barrett  @bebe3114

Student at University of Arizona

Final 2:00pm (8/11)


Amy Acuff

 Asics (@ASICSAmerica)

Final 2:00pm (8/11)



Pole Vault

Brad Walker @skywalkerpv

Sheex (@sheex), D.I.S.C. (@DISCmd), UCS Spirit, Nike (@Nike)*

Final 2:00pm (8/10)


Jeremy Scott @elgrandeusa

Bell Athletics, Elkhorn Valley Bank, Gill Athletics (@GillAthletics), Norfolk Iron & Metal, Power Computing Inc., Nike (@Nike)*

Final 2:00pm  (8/10)


Derek Miles

Pacer FX Poles, Active Spine SD (@ActiveSpineSD), Family Wellness SF (@FamilyWellsSF), Nike (@Nike)*

Final 2:00pm (8/10)


Jenn Suhr


Adidas (@adidasrunning), Nutrilite (@nutrilitehealth)

Final 2:00pm (8/6)


Becky Holliday

 New Balance or Asics

Final 2:00pm (8/6)


Lacy Janson

 Nike (@Nike)*

Final 2:00pm  (8/6)



Long Jump

Marquise Goodwin @flashgoodwin

Student at University of Texas

Final 2:55am (8/4)


Will Claye @willie_claye

DoMark International, Nike (@Nike)*

Final 2:55am (8/4)


George Kitchens


Final 2:55am (8/4)


Brittney Reese @daljbeast


Final 3:05pm (8/8)


Chelsea Hayes @datgirlchels_27


Final 3:05pm (8/8)


Janay Deloach @janaydeloach

Otter Box (@otterbox), Nike (@Nike)*

Final 3:05pm (8/8)



Triple Jump

Christian Taylor @taylored2jump

 Li-Ning (@LiNingUSA)

Final 2:20am (8/9)


Will Claye @iwill18__

 Nike (@Nike)*

Final 2:20am (8/9)


Amanda Smock  @ajtsmock

New York Athletic Club (@NYACTrack_Field)

Final 2:35am (8/5)



Shot Put

Reese Hoffa


New York Athletic Club (@NYACTrack_Field), Nike (@Nike)*

Final 3:30pm (8/3)

Final 9:30am-11:00am

Ryan Whiting


 Nike (@Nike)*

Final 3:30pm (8/3)

Final 9:30am-11:00am

Christian Cantwell

 Nike (@Nike)*

Final 3:30pm (8/3)

Final 9:30am-11:00am

Jill Camarena-Williams


New York Athletic Club (@NYACTrack_Field), Nike (@Nike)*

Final 2:15am (8/6)


Michelle Carter


 Nike (@Nike)*

Final 2:15am (8/6)


Tia Brooks


Final 2:15am (8/6)



Hammer Throw

Kibwe Johnson


 Nike (@Nike)*

Final 3:20pm (8/5)

Final 12:35am - 1:35 (8/6)

A.G. Kruger

 Nike (@Nike)*

Final 3:20pm (8/5)

Final 12:35am - 1:35 (8/6)

Amber Campbell



Sports Doctors Inc, Blog Donations, Nike (@Nike)*

Final 2:35am (8/10)


Amanda Bingson



Final 2:35am (8/10)


Jessica Cosby


 Nike (@Nike)*

Final 2:35am (8/10)



Javelin Throw

Craig Kinsley @craigkinsleyusa

Us Athletic Trust, John Belltto (massage), FitzsFilms

Final 2:20am (8/11)


Sean Furey

 Mizuno (@Mizuno_Running)

Final 2:20am (8/11)


Cyrus Hostetler @chostetler15

OTC Elite (@OregonTCElite) - works as graphic designer

Final 2:20am (8/11)


Rachel Yurkovich @rachy1022

 Nike (@Nike)*

Final 4:00pm (8/9)


Brittany Borman @borman_track

 Nike (@Nike)*

Final 4:00pm (8/9)


Kara Patterson @karathrowsjav

 Asics (@ASICSAmerica)

Final 4:00pm (8/9)




Ashton Eaton @ashtonjeaton

 OTC Elite (@OregonTCElite), Nike (@Nike)*,

Medal 4:20pm (8/9)


Trey Hardee @treyhardee

 Nike (@Nike)*

Medal 4:20pm (8/9)


Hyleas Fountain


 Nike (@Nike)*

Medal 4:20pm (8/9)


Rachel Yurkovich @rachy1022

 Nike (@Nike)*



Sharon Day

 Asics (@ASICSAmerica)



Chantae McMillan @chan_taemac




* We now include Adidas and Nike in our sponsors list. The reason they weren't included in round 1: Adidas is an official sponsor in UK and Nike is also approved footwear and apparel. For instance Brooks won't be allowed on the podium, instead the athlete will be wearing Nike (source Runner's World article). Therefore they aren't an underdog, so to speak, in need a voice. But absolutely worth mentioning, as we're seen so far there is confusion around this #rule40.


Oiselle Love Sent Our Way


When was the last time you received an email you couldn’t help but crack a smile at? They’re the best. A few days ago I was so thrilled to receive this email from Oiselle Ambassador, Patty Barnhill. I had to share it with our peeps because it made my day. Spreading the Oiselle love from sunny San Diego, thank you Patty!


Good Morning, Sally!

I just wanted to thank you for Oiselle, and for allowing me to represent the line, you, and the team! You and the gals at Oiselle HQ have truly made a family through your company and it is wonderful that you have opened your 'home' and heart to so many. I feel truly lucky to have found Oiselle, let alone be a part of it! YAY!!!

I also wanted to note how hard it is to get people to try new things ~ especially runners!! We have our favorite shoes, socks, etc., etc. I'm not sure you know how I came to love Oiselle... I had a Groupon coupon to a local running store and not liking their skirts, I saw they had these CUTE tees so I bought one and a couple of head bands. I went back to the store a couple of days later and bought 5 more shirts! Loving the tees so much, I went online to check out the company behind them. So, I took a chance...GASP...and ordered the Rogas and Simplicity tank.  All it took was one run, and that's the story of how I fell in love with Oiselle! 

So, naturally, I told my friends how amazing the shorts were and that they were MUCH BETTER than Lulu, Nike, etc. I sent pics. I told them they must try them. I became an Ambassador. I told my friends that they MUST TRY THE ROGAS!  chirp, chirp, chirp. I offered the friends and family discount. AND finally they tried!  And they LOVE! My two besties actually sent me pics and I have attached them for you! Lisa lives in VA and Maryhelen lives in MD. 


(Lisa and Maryhelen)

Lisa lives in VA and Maryhelen lives in MD. They will tell their friends, and so on, and so on!  It's hard to get people to change, to try new things, but once they do...doors open!

I believe in Oiselle and I will rep the line with LOVE forever!! Now, if I could just run....

Thank you,

Patty B!


Inspired by My Hero - Lauren Fleshman


Guest blog by Kerry Camberg, a Oiselle Ambassador from Tempe, Arizona who is setting her hopes high for the 2016 Olympic Trials Marathon. Inspired daily by one very special gal, her Olympic Trials hero, Lauren Fleshman


I first met Lauren Fleshman last November when she came to stay with us during her treatment with Dr. John Ball.  I had reached out to Lauren earlier when I read her blog. She was staying with some friends and sleeping in her van while in town getting treatment last spring.  This did not sit right with me and I shot her an email saying "if you ever need a place to stay let me know, we have 2 kids 2 cats and plenty of room".  Little did I know that a lasting friendship would be formed.

She arrived late one night at our house, just days before my marathon which was my last chance to qualify for the Olympic Marathon Trials.  She was worried she was cramping my style, but I was happy for the distraction after an injury filled training cycle.  She was just coming off her New York City Marathon and felt confident there would be plenty of time to fix her injuries. Lauren and Jaymee, another injured runner visiting from CA, strummed the guitar one night making up a song about my marathon. We were all full of hope that night.  As runners we are always full of be belief burning like a bright light. Lauren was filled with confidence of getting healed in plenty of time to start her Olympic training cycle.  We had a great time getting to know her.  At the end of the week it was sad to see her leave, we had discussions of coming to cheer her on in Eugene at the Trials.

I stayed in contact checking often to see how she was doing.  Cross training was her best friend! Sometimes she would say "I ran 1 minute without pain 5 times" full of hope to recover in time.  Days before Christmas she called to say she was coming back for some more treatments.  No worries still plenty of time to heal and train.  We bonded over Scrabble games while gathered around the fireplace and Christmas tree.  I enjoyed finding out more about her Picky Bars company and t-shirts she designed and sold online.  It was apparent that Lauren lived a full, rich and balanced lifestyle.

Spring arrived and Lauren asked if she could come stay again.  Her plan was to come a week before her team to get some more treatments from Dr. Ball.  The Oregon Track Club (OTC) would be arriving to train in Flagstaff and she had every intention of joining them.  Her friend and training partner Jemma Simpson would soon join our home while she was working through her injury.  We were a happy houseful of injured female runners trying to make a comeback.  My kids and I were always coming up with new ways to keep everyone's spirits up. BBQ's, pool parties, ice cream sundae night and my favorite singing our own rendition of "I Will Survive" telling pain to walk out that door, cause your not welcome here anymore. 

When it was time for the OTC to go to Flagstaff, Lauren stayed behind.  I was thrilled to have her with us, although she showed no signs of sadness I made it my mission to keep her spirits up.  Arizona in the spring with its sunny skies and mid 70 temps is great for cross training.  Our neighborhood has a pool within walking distance and Lauren was there diligently swimming and Elliptigo'ing to stay fit.  She was doing everything she could to show up in Eugene healed and ready to race.  Days turned into weeks, then a month had gone by. We started praying silently for Lauren knowing her window of opportunity was getting smaller every day.

Amazingly, she kept her spirits up taking it one day at a time and focused on what she could do for training.  I bought plane tickets for Eugene and made plans to be there for the 5000 meter final.  I just knew in my heart she would make the final.  The evening of her qualifying event we were glued to the tv praying, cheering and screaming.  Although I had explained to the kids that Lauren is a world class runner I think it finally set in that evening as we watched her race.  The results were posted and Lauren got the 6th spot good enough to earn her a spot in the finals.  I was wondering what that race took out of her given that her run training was minimal.  Instead of focusing on how she felt I fired off a quick text saying "Give luck a chance to happen".

My kids made cards with pictures of a lion and superhero.  Lauren was both courageous and amazing at that race and we were so proud of her!  I packed the cards to take with me to Eugene.  I arrived at Hayward Field like a nervous mother.  I wanted so badly for her dream of making the Olympic team to come true.  I had not asked her how her body felt instead offered words of encouragement and hope.  I can only imagine what was racing through her mind at the start line.  I screamed her name each time she rounded the corner keeping with the pack.  With about 4 laps to go she was fading to the back.  I hoped she would finish despite her Olympic dream slipping away.  During the final lap she was in last with more than 200 meters to go.  A light rain was falling camouflaging my tears for Lauren, I was so proud of her for never giving up and putting herself out there to see what would happen.  Lauren showed determination, guts, courage and pride during this week of the Olympic Trials. She did not achieve her goal of making the Olympic Team but is my hero!

(Meggie Smith, Lauren Fleshman, Kerry Camberg, Susan Empey)

Watching the Trials in person at Hayward Field was an incredible experience.  Spectators were cheering wildly for all events, 22,602 were in attendance.  The emotions were so raw.  Dreams were being fulfilled and lost all in the same moment.  My heart went out to each athlete that just missed the time they needed to earn their spot, somehow I could relate to them better.  The 5000 meter final was an incredible race, the 16 women showed sheer guts and determination.

I was seated near the finish line so watched on the big screen as the women were introduced.  I wondered about each women's journey to this starting line, how many miles, tears, joys, injuries did it take to bring them here today.  In the blink of an eye the starting gun went off. The women were packed together tightly until about the last 4 laps then the race really began.

During the final lap it appeared spot 1 and 2 would be secured by Julie Culley in 15:13 then Molly Huddle 15:14.  The final 3rd spot was a true photo finish between Kim Conley and Julia Lucas.  Conley needed the A standard and she barely got it.  Julia Lucas demonstrated true grit as she pushed her body to the limit missing her spot by .04 second.  An amount of time that does not even seem measureable.  My heart went out to her, my heart swelled with joy for Kim Conley.  I feel blessed to have been there in person to watch, it was an incredible race.


Behind the Scenes: Oiselle Fashion Show

jacquelyn scofield

Being athletes, we’re the first to know that practice makes perfect, but this RUNway wasn’t looking for perfection. We wanted to have spunk, be playful and edgy and a little risk-ay. There's no possible way to describe how much fun was had in our pre-runway experience. But of course, the daring girl that I am is going to attempt it! It’s time to go insider edition on ya’ll: how the models ROCKED THE RUNWAY.

The RUN-through

On Friday at 10 a.m., we met at the Downtown Athletic Club to try on our outfits, practice our walk, and make sure the runway was going to be poppin’. Like true runners, we grabbed coffee, ate bagels and chatted up a storm before practice began.

Walking into that room was the hint I needed to know the day finally arrived. The lighting, videographer, runway stage, curtains, our outfits, Saucony shoes, and accessories. It gave me goose bumps and a grin up to my ponytail. Finally, the day had come.




Picture bringing together 20 crazy-fun runners, turned newbie models, in the hippie dippy town of Eugene, to strut their stuff in fab athletic apparel.  It. Was. Awesome. You can only imagine how hysterically giddy we all were. A few experienced models showed us how to walk the walk, Sally guided us with timing and choreography, and two full run-throughs later we had our definition of "perfect" ready to roll.  

Hair & Makeup 

After catching our rock-star Oiselle athletes, Kate Grace and Jamie Cheever compete at Day 6 of the trials, we raced over to make our 5:30 p.m. appointment for hair and makeup. A fabulous crew at Studio Mantra in downtown Eugene spiced up our looks. The goal was to look athletic and natural. The “I just got done with a workout and magically didn’t break a sweat” kind of look. Happens all the time, you know what I’m talking about.

Yummy munchies we’re set up when we arrived and they had five women to do our hair and make-up. Here are a few of them working their magic. Big shout out to Studio Mantra!



With our hair done and makeup fresh and glowing, we made our way to the Downtown Athletic Club. Were we nervous? Sure, but just like any racer will tell you, the nerves, anticipation and excitement doesn’t truly set until the live event happens. That’s what got our blood pumping.

People began arriving around 8 p.m. I can’t exactly tell you what was happening from then until the fashion show because the photo booth took up most of my hour! What’s a college girl to do when there's costumes and a free photo booth at such a fab party? About 20 photo shoots later (literally, there's proof), we all made our way back stage.

Our outfits were laid out nice and neat with shoes and accessories. The hair and makeup crew from Studio Mantra was backstage helping beautify us once again and the energy from all of us was exuberant. We were ready… and here’s how it all played out (EEEK!!)

I could not have imagined a more prostyle, over the top entertaining show. Months ago when Sally asked me to model her Spring ’13 line, I would have never imagined a party so outstandingly seamless. Being there every step of the way was a party in itself. I haven’t laughed that hard with so many incredible women in a long time and I have each one of them to thank for that. Now that we are all MC Hammer stockers we can relate on a whole new level!


Last but not least is my fave part of the show, Sally’s M. C. Hammer intro heard round the world: “This is somebody in the entertainment industry that cannot be touched” ..Sal and the man himself!
