Kara Goucher


Last year I said that 2015 would be the year that I would believe. That I would believe in myself and allow myself to dream again. After some bumps in the road, as 2015 came to a close I was reaching fitness I hadn’t had since before my son was born, and I was winning races for the first time in years. I feel like I truly lived 2015 with belief.

Now as I head into 2016, Oiselle has proposed a theme of “woman up.” This theme could not come at a better time. I believed in myself enough to get fit and give myself a shot at an Olympic Team. But now it’s time to get out there and put my neck on the line and actually go for a spot on the team.


This is literally a last chance for me. I am 37, and don’t know if I can continue this amount of dedication much longer. It’s always been so off in the distance, “I’m going for my third Olympic team.” But the time is now. The time has come to get out there, and go for it. I have done the preparation but now is the hardest part, actually going for it. I am excited to woman up in 2016. And it all starts on February 13th.


jacquelyn scofield