Kristin Metcalf
The Flock

Looking back on the weekend at the US Cross Country Championships in Boulder, a collective feeling sums it up: gratitude. Gratitude for the women that make up Oiselle Team. From our first finisher, Christine Babcock in 13th place to our 4th and 5th racers Drea McLarty and Liz Anjos. The beauty of cross country racing is that everyone steps to the line together experiencing the same challenges of the course: 5,000 some feet of elevation, 70 degrees of sunshine, and a field of courageous and fast women. The race strategy for most women: start off conservative within one’s self, and then build, increasing effort and pace as you go: 4 – 2k loops. Christine’s race was an example of this race strategy executed well which ended up getting her to a fabulous 13th place and a ticket to Pan American Games in Colombia! 

If you went out too fast, you most likely paid the price. Some women ended up breathing hard and struggling to the finish line. Watching as a spectator I was so impressed with our five women's strength and determination. Proud to have them representing Oiselle!


Christine Babcock – 13th 29:06
Collier Lawrence – 30th 30:51

Arlene Espinoza – 56th 33:34
Drea McLarty – 61st 34:32
Liz Anjos – 62nd 34:33


Not only did we experience great races, we had great spectators: a Oiselle fan-girling cheer-section! The Colorado flock of women are wonderful people and fans of the sport. From a morning run together, to spectating at Flatiron Golf Course, to a lunch meet-up after at Fate Brewery, these women exude a passion for the sport, the Oiselle brand and their friendships made with each other. That’s what is special about having women in every part of the country to connect with: we all have a love for the sport of running and can share and support each other along the way.


The next day was spent recovery and running long at Wonderland Trail! Gorgeous run, awesome people. 

If cross country sounds like something you would like to try, start thinking about this year's Club XC Championships in San Francisco, CA: early December! And stay tuned for more information about Christine’s next adventure to Colombia for the Pan American Games.



(Photos by Rebecca Elliot) 
