
Love Em or Leave Em Seattle

This Saturday Oiselle Headquarters showed love for the run at the 'Love em or Leave em' 5k at Green Lake. Kristin, team Oiselle manager and Sally made up team Icarus 2.0. While I had the honor of trying my best to chase down Oiselle team superstar, Jen Bigham's, blonde ponytail to complete team Big Mac Attack (BIGham, MACkay...). Both Icarus 2.0 and Big Mac Attack won our respective combined age group for women!

I love the team names haha. Especially "Our Buns are .... BOOM Baby" So many silly team names. And this shows you how the scoring was done, basically they add your ages up to get your division, then add your time up. So we were 58 and ran 34:51. Which would actually be pretty dang sweet. New life goal?

Kristin had to skip out before awards, so we carried her loot for her. What a fun race!

Did you run a Valentine's Dash?
