
It is hard to believe that it's been 2 years since we were watching our 17 (out of 18 qualified) marathoners tense for the marathon starting gun. It feels like 10 years, and also only 2 months. Time is weird. (If you want to go down the nostalgia rabbit hole, you can watch this, meet our past trials team here, and here, read this recap, and this Kara interview)... But, now we are only 2 years from the NEXT Trials. We are super pumped for the next buildup, and wanted to check in with a few of Oiselle's racers from LA 2016. Anything is possible! 


Andie Cozzarelli:
The 2016 Olympic Marathon Trials was both my debut marathon and the biggest race of my life but also the first time I ever dropped out of a race. In the fall of 2015 I was running better than ever just beginning to explore my potential. Mistakes going into 2016 and through the last year have held me back but I’m optimistic that my healthier path will make a big difference. I have big goals this year with another shot at the Olympic Trials Marathon at the forefront. I've rebounded from gut wrenching situations in the past and these next 2 years approaching 2020 will be no exception. 


Becki Spellman:
In 2016 I was coming back from having the twins, and my mind set was "just get there". I squeaked in by 16 seconds.  Looking to 2020 I want to be ready to race, to go for broke, to see what I am capable of in the time between now, and crossing the finish line at the 2020 trials. 


Anna Weber:
My favorite memory from the 2016 Trials was my "calm before the storm" moment, when the HV set off together for a warm up. Walking out of the athlete holding area and jogging among a sea of spectators was such a surreal moment. I had no idea that the women I was warming up next to would later become some of my closest friends. My life has changed a lot in the past 2 years, and will probably change in the next 2, but I still have the same goal: to be on that starting line in 2020, hungry to compete.


Lyndy Davis:
I went into the 2016 Trials a little over-raced and a tab bit over trained! For the 2020 Trials, I am so thankful my training allowed me to qualify at the beginning OTQ window instead of the last minute (like I did for 2016). I have 2 years to prepare for the 2020 Trials! 

What I am doing differently for 2020 vs 2016?

  1. More hilly runs
  2. Strides 3x week minimum
  3. Keep laying a massive foundation: the larger the bottom of the pyramid, the higher the peak!
  4. Consistent weight/strength training

The 2016 USA trials race was my slowest marathon finishing time of my career due to the heat conditions and my recovery time between marathons leading up to the trials. I learned I can run lots of half marathons/10ks/5ks and bounce back, but multiple marathons in a season require more recovery for my legs to stay sharp and speedy!

Memory from 2016 Trials Race: I remember running beside Becki Spellman in the intense heat at mile 20 and saying “This is brutal, but we worked hard to get here. We train for moments like this and we finish races.” We both finished the race and on that day, finishing was a big accomplishment! 

Sometimes your "slowest PR" races are the ones that shape you the most! 


Kara Goucher:
I can’t believe it’s been two years since we lined up in LA.  It feels like it was just yesterday, and yet also ages ago. When I lined up in LA, all I could think about was making that team. Now two years later, my mind is still filled with running, but also so many other projects and activities. As I look ahead to 2020, I no longer feel desperation to make the team. I am truly just enjoying each and every day. But I am looking forward to yet another Trials, the energy and experience is so thrilling!


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Allyson Ely