Heather Stephens

It’s the final week of training already, time flies when you’re on the run! The physical work is done, now it’s time to visualize your race. Keep your thoughts in check heading into the final stretch; your race is no different than any other step in your training it’s just an opportunity to show off all of your hard work! 

Try to keep things in perspective by visualizing process vs. outcome. While the focus has been on running your first or fastest 5k, try to avoid any fixation on “needing” to attain your goal, instead put your mind on what you’ll do inside of the race, not the result of the race. 


When tapering, it's important to decrease the volume of workouts and total weekly mileage to allow for complete recovery and adaptation from your training load. This workout will help you to become more comfortable with your race pace and will help you to feel snappy when you hit the starting line!


This workout allows for pop in your legs while avoiding a buildup of lactate. A hard speed endurance workout can leave you with dead legs for up to 10 days if you run through lactic states. Running at aerobically sustained efforts and short anaerobic effort with full rest and recovery allow you to maintain your fitness level and stay in touch with the harder efforts you have been practicing throughout the season.

You've learned all of the helpful tools you need to prepare you for the big day, now it's time to put them into action!

Race Routine
Day Before

  • Pick up your packet. 
  • Layout your gear.


  • Make a plan for the morning of the race.


Race Day 

  • Plan to wake up at least three hours before your race. Get up and move around (a 5-10 minute walk is a great way to wake up the body).
  • Fuel up.


  • Start the Dynamic Warmup one hour before the gun goes off followed by a 10 minute brisk walk, and finally 4 x 15 second strides. 


  • 20 minutes before the start: get into your racing gear (don't forget your bib number and/or chip) and head to the line. 

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  • Finally...stand on the line and smile. Trust that your hard work and dedication has prepared you for this moment. You're ready to take flight!

Full Body Recovery with Jasyoga: It's time to align and support your body. Use these functional refreshers for your chest, shoulders, hips, and hamstrings to recirculate your blood and flush out any excess fluid in your legs. 

"Competition connects us to humanity, grounds us in humility, and gives us huevos – the courage to do big shit." –  Sally Bergesen


First Or Fastest Training Plans 
Week One
Week Two
Week Three 
Week Four
Week Five
Week Six
Week Seven 
Week Eight

jacquelyn scofield