Kristin Metcalf

We are beyond excited to head to NYC this week and fan-girl the heck out of our team of women racing their hearts out through the streets of the Big Apple. The last time Kara Goucher raced the marathon here was in 2008, setting a record for the fastest American on this course with a! 

We asked our team members a few questions heading into this week. For many of our women this is their first time racing the course. How awesome is that! You can’t help but be inspired and excited for their experiences ahead. Good luck to everyone heading to NYC this weekend, don't forget to share your experience from start to finish with #flock2nyc



Kara Goucher
For me it's about running a solid race and re-establishing myself as a contender on the world stage.

How many times have you raced NYC?
This will be my second time. The first being in 2008 when I set the American record on this course.

Favorite Workout in this training cycle?
Probably the day I did 2 x 4 miles at 10 seconds per mile faster than current marathon pace.

Dori Gray
To have the best time! I already ran my goal race this season, so I want to put 100% of my energy into just enjoying this experience. I’m even going Garmin-less! This particular race also has special meaning for me; I raised over $4,200 for the American Cancer Society in memory of my Aunt Dale who died from kidney cancer in 2012, and I will wear a ribbon with her name attached to my shirt while I run. She was a huge supporter of my interest in running and would have loved to watch me on this course.

How many times have you raced NYC?
This is my second time participating in the NYC Marathon, but hopefully it will be my first time finishing it! I got sick at mile 9 last time and remember very little until I left the race at mile 18. I can’t wait to get the real NYC Marathon experience!

Favorite workout in this training cycle?
I remember one workout especially well so it must have been my favorite! It was 2 x 2 miles with a 5 minute active recovery in between, along with a 2 mile warm-up and 2 mile cool-down. I felt so strong during the 2 x 2 miles and even though it was tough, I stayed right on pace with my goal time. I ran the second half faster than the first and felt especially accomplished after.


Farron McIntee
I'm really hoping to negative split! I'm also hoping to break 4 hours. I've never gone under 4 on the NYCM course.

How many times have you raced NYC?
This will be number 3 for me! I lived in NYC for 6 years and ran my first marathon there in 2011.

Favorite workout in this training cycle?
I really enjoyed my long runs this time around. I did a mixture of running with a group and running alone.

Susan Empey
To enjoy the experience and finish in the top 5 overall for Masters. Originally my goal was the top 3, but just finding out that a gal named Deena Kastor is running too essentially guarantees I'm already down 1 spot!

How many times have you raced NYC?
This will officially be my first attempt at NY because sadly, when I happened to be in really good shape, Hurricane Sandy struck. This marathon has been on my bucket list for quite a while though, and while I'm not as fit as I was in 2012, I am healthy and that is half the battle as a Masters runner!

Favorite Workout in this training cycle?
I waited until today to answer this question in hopes that today's workout would be my favorite and it was. Knocked out 8 x 1k’s at cruise pace with 90 seconds rest in between. It was rainy, windy and generally gross conditions, but I'm pleased with the effort. The fact that I finished, and again, that I didn't injure myself. 

Catherine Haggarty
To have so much fun and try to set a PR. Aiming for 3:50-3:55! 

How many times have you raced NYC?
This is my FIRST NYC Marathon and I am so excited!

Favorite workout in this training cycle?
6 mile tempo run.


Gabrielle Amara
Cross the finish line smiling. It's my first marathon so I don't really care what my time is, but I want to stay happy and positive for as long as possible, so that I can really take in the whole experience. And I want to make sure I rally for a smile at the end!

How many times have you raced NYC?
First marathon ever!

Favorite workout in this training cycle?
All of my long runs that were my "longest ever" were special. I loved and hated incorporating multiple bridges into my long runs to prepare for the marathon course elevation changes. I particularly felt confident after my last long run before the taper. It was an 18-miler with the last 3 miles at tempo pace and the last mile as fast as possible. It was exhilarating to realize I could still pick up speed after so many miles! 

Paulette Ference
To experience the race atmosphere and to enjoy every step. I'm running for the charity Every Mother Counts and I'm excited to be part of their team! (Paulette's crowdrise page)

Times racing NYC?
This is my first NYC Marathon! It's been on my list for a few years, and I'm thrilled to finally be heading to NYC this year. The course looks amazing, and I can't wait for the chance to run there.

Favorite workout of this training cycle?
Easily my 17 mile long run in San Francisco. My husband joined me for a mix of road and dirt trails along the San Francisco Bay, around the Sutro Baths, over the Golden Gate Bridge and back, and into Golden Gate Park. We enjoyed the views, each other's company, and perfect weather. 

Jessica Holt
To just enjoy the race, the people, the city and the whole experience. I want to make sure that at least once a day, during the expo, walking around the city, running through the boroughs and seeing the fans and other runners, I stop for a moment and am grateful for this experience. This will also be the first time my dad will ever have seen me race so I am very excited.

How many times have you raced NYC?
This is my very first NYC Marathon! I have been trying to get in for the past 3 years and finally made it through!

Favorite workout in this training cycle?
I've had some issues training due to low iron, so I can't say I've had a favorite workout. I would just say getting a nice long run in where I felt good would have been my favorite.

Prianka Nandy
Race smart and with confidence! I've learned a lot from my last two marathons and intend to bring things full circle with a practiced mental focus checklist that combines pacing, nutrition/hydration needs, mantras, and a whole lot of smiling. :)

How many times have you raced NYC?
It is my first NYC marathon and I am beyond STOKED.

Favorite workout in this training cycle?
A 20-miler in the late summer heat with 8 miles faster than marathon goal pace. I wasn't sure I was going to pull it off but was happy to have stayed in each mile I was running without anticipating the one ahead.

Lisa Janssen
4:10 and or smiling at the finish!

How many times have you raced NYC?
This will be my first NYC Marathon! I've been dreaming of this since 1999 when I first visited NYC.

Favorite workout in this training cycle?
It was an 18 miler early in my training. I tripped and banged up my knee pretty bad and thought I might be out. After that I had a super solid 18. Then, I knew I was good to go!


  • Oiselle Cowbell Corner: 100th and 1st Avenue (west side of 1st) just before mile 18. Come join us cheer! It will be awesomely fun. Meet around 10:30 EST.
  • Every Mother Counts Family and Friends: 125th Street and 1st Avenue.

October 31st at 9am EST, join us and Strava for a shakeout run. See all info and RSVP on their Facebook event page

Join our Strava challenge beginning 10/30 through 11/2! Run 26.2 miles over 1 to 4 days to enter the Kara Goucher Marathon Challenge. All participants who complete the challenge will receive a 10% discount code for a special Strava shopping section at In addition we will be giving away 3 randomly chosen winners for a marathon kit including a Kara Goucher Fan Tee, Roga Short and Spike Bag. Head to the challenge to learn more and enter. Good luck!

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Allyson Ely