

A Roll Mama is a woman we admire. A strong woman who shows up for herself and others. Someone we either want in our lives. Or simply appreciate.

I asked the Nest who a Roll Mama is to them - and the women of the Nest spoke…

  1. Lesko: Fierce. All in. My friend Mindy Leffler is a competitor, ran in college. One of her sons has muscular dystrophy. She knows more about DMD than almost any doctor. But she also maintains her humanity, and her energy for her two other children and her own running.
  2. Steph W: Proficient at multi tasking. Someone who juggles a lot of balls. My girlfriend Myra who has two kids, works full time, and just ran the Big Sur 20 miler.
  3. Jess: Unapologetic. Knowing that there isn’t a specific way to do things. Lauren Fleshman comes to mind. She’s not sorry for things she does that others don’t think are the right way to do it. Being a mom, while being open and honest.
  4. Katie: Independent. Mom. Someone who has built a family but it's not their full identity. It’s part of who they are but they are their own person in the world.
  5. Hannah: Someone who views the world open to all possibilities, but paired with humility. "I’m human and I can try big things. If it doesn’t work, it doesn’t work." Gwen Jorgensen said, “I want to own an Olympic gold medal in the marathon.” Some people pushed back, and she was like “Yeah I said it, I’m not going to unsay it.”
  6. Atsuko: Courageous. Flexible. A lifelong learner. Humble confidence. Someone who knows how to let go. Know how to let something be, as opposed to micromanaging. I'm a badass roll aunty.
  7. Jenn: Willingness to be there for so many people, but not a martyr; in it and very present. Even if a person has a propensity for drama, when faced with challenge, they center. Show up, with strength.
  8. Rebecca: Capacity for burden. Sharing the yoke, not self-sacrifice. The tree is half the apple and knows to fertilize itself and continue to live. My own mom had my brother and I, my Dad had health struggles, and eventually died of brain cancer. Her own mother was an alcoholic. But she also had the support system that was the fertilizer. And she fertilized herself.
  9. Sally: Loyalty. Women who are true. To themselves and others.

Who is your Roll Mama? Let us know on the socials with hashtag #RollMama




Allyson Ely