by Beth Baker

So, here's a question for you. Why do you want to run? Yes, I know it seems great and all your friends are doing it, but why do you want to do it?


There is that punch drunk love of endorphins or the training for that race you may or may not have signed up for in the near future. But why running? It's a good thing to ask yourself in case you lose your mojo. It seems like a total no-brainer, the why. But if you think about it, and even write it down, you'll be much more motivated to keep doing it when the weather turns, or you’re too busy...or when you just have lost that running feeling. AKA: Running Mojo.

First a quick lesson on what mojo is: Running Mojo is a magical feeling that comes with running. It's that bliss that you get on your run when all is right in the world and all your problems go right out of your pores and slide onto the ground. It is fantastic.

But what if you lose your mojo? I lost mine back in 2011 and I found it under the couch, hiding. Silly mojo! When I did lose it, I went down my go-to list of mojo makers. Here is what I found, and hopefully you will find it helpful if you lose yours, if it's not under the couch. 

1. Find Your Rest
We put our bodies through some big expectations, and then we are surprised when this feeling of “meh” washes over us when we think about running. If you have been training for something, or stressed out, maybe you're just tired.Giving your body a week off won't hurt you. If you place that time on the schedule, and don't beat yourself up about it, you'll come back to it refreshed and ready to go go go. 

2. Find Different Places
This is my go-to when my love of running lacks luster. Look for new places to go, trails to travel, and new mountains to climb. Even if it's a different neighborhood near you that you have never been to before, your brain will light up like a Christmas tree with good mojo feelings. 


3. Find Your People
Here is a fun fact: Runners are rad, and when you get a group or partner up, you have accountability plus a person to chat with and solve all the world’s problems over a 3 miler. Running is one of the few sports where you can chat and exercise at the same time. As long as you like short answers. Phew.  

4. Find New Goals
Some people do a mile a day or a half marathon a month. For new runners I suggest the 5K a month until they find their love of their new sport. Another one is to jot down a list of “bucket list” races and maybe put it up somewhere you can see everyday. When you visualize your goals, and put action to them, they happen every time!

Kimberly Stevens