You've met the Spring ’17 Roga Skirt with shorts, and now we’re bringing back a classic. Yes, they're back! The Roga Skirt with briefs! In case you’re wondering which is for you, Feather and Jess break it down for you…
You may be into the briefs if you're an out the door kind of runner. 1, 2 stretch and GO!
You may be into the shorts if you're into all the stretches.
You may be a briefs runner if you’re into keeping it light and airy.
The shorts may be for you if you’re into the quick stop and go, go kind of runner.
Toilet paper stuck to shoe? Men’s room? Skirt all up in there? #ObliviousRunner
Roga Skirt in black? Classy and sassy.
Day date? Oh Snap!
And for the appropriately, inappropriate runner? Probably best to stick with the shorts…
Whichever way you run… may your skirt game be strong.
Feather + Jess