
Hold onto your Rundies track fans - we have some exciting news!

Kate Grace has been asked to be on US National Team for the first ever IAAF World Relays!


Her race will be on May 24th in, wait for it…the Bahamas. Please start giving her a hard time about that now: @fastk8 #beachbatonbingo

More exciting details: she will be on the 4 x 1500m team with Morgan Uceny! What the what? The fan girls just went NUTS.

Who will be the 3rd and 4th runner? We don't know yet. Who's your guess?!


So the runnerd background
IAAF is getting creative in a “non-worlds, non-Olympic” year.
The 4 x 1500m is rarely run as an event.
Normally only at Penn Relays, and maybe Drake.

Because it’s not run, the records are reachable…the American record averages out to about 4:15-4:16 per 1500m. The World Record 4:13-4:14. Hello, Kate just ran a 4:07 at Payton Jordan.


So what’s cool about this - other than Kate making her first worlds team? (Which is HUGE)

1. T-E-A-M
People in the middle distances don’t usually get to do relays. So this will be an amazing opportunity to run, score and podium a team of four uber-talented American women.

2. Records
A new American and World record is likely to be set.

3. Competition
The Russians? The Kenyans? Bring it!

4. Prize Money
Now we’re talking…$100,000 is on the line to the team that gets the win AND the world record. $50,000 for just the win. Cha-ching!

But wait, what about the whole baton thing?
We asked Kate if that made her nervous and she said, “I ran a lot of relays in HS and college, the 4 x 100 and 4 x 400” so we pretty much think that dials her in…is it too soon to call it the “Grace Grip”?!

“I’m super excited to hang out with all these amazing athletes from all over the world. Being on a US team will be incredible!”

Okay birds, now you know what we're doing Memorial Day Weekend!

jacquelyn scofield