Oiselle is thrilled to be traveling en masse to Sacramento this weekend for CIM shenanigans! We'll be at the Expo (come check us out at booth #309-311), cowbell-ing at mile 23.5, and hosting a post-race party. And along with a flock of Volée racing, our Haute Volée speedsters Lyndy Davis and Andie Cozzarelli are chasing big goals.
Lyndy qualified for US Olympic Trials at CIM in 2015 (2:42:34), and is coming off of her best training block ever and looking to break the 2:40 barrier. Andie has a marathon PR of 2:38:49. She is looking to crack 2:37, and (special advantage) her coach Steph Bruce will be in the lead car commentating!
Take a look at their training sessions leading up to CIM, and get ready to cheer on all of the US Marathon Champs competitors...it's going to be a hot race!
Lyndy's two week training plan from mid CIM training.
Andie's two week training plan from Nov 6th to Nov 19th.
LD: I had an 800/800 alterations workout where I ran 800m at 12k pace and alternated with 800m at goal marathon pace. My coach planned for me to do 8 miles of alternations in and out of marathon pace, but I felt so comfortable with the goal marathon pace, I was able to do 10 miles. This workout helps me know that I can (if I need to) speed up and fall back into marathon pace in a race. I will think of this workout during the last 10 miles of CIM and know that I have done 10 miles on tired legs faster than my marathon pace. Having a workout that gives me a mental edge in the last 10 miles of the race is clutch to holding on to my goal paces. Choosing to be stubborn on race day works really well for me. Workouts like 800 alternations that I nail in the middle of a high mileage training block give me confidence because I will be rested on race day.
AD: My confidence boosting workout was more of a combination of a big workout 4 days before racing the Nationwide Columbus Half Marathon. The workout was 3 mile warm up, 20 miles alternating between 7 min and 6 min and a 3 mile cool down. I did a few strides before to make it 26.2 miles. It was 75 degrees and 100% humidity so I fell off pace a little on the last couple of miles but still did the whole workout in under 3 hours. I turned around and was able to run 1:17:19 in my half in warm sticky conditions, good for 2nd place at Columbus. Thinking back on this to my Indy build up I know I was definitely not this strong going in.
Andie racing in the 2016 Olympic Trials.
LD: In the fall I had a ladder workout (EG: 200m, 400m, 600m, 1000m, 1600m...and back down.) I was struggling with the changing of paces and couldn’t speed up for the shorter legs; my body gravitated to mile pace for all of the distances. I was discouraged because I thought I was stuck in a rut and not able to change gears to run faster times. The workout taught my coach and me that we needed to do more weekly strides (and use hills) to keep me sharp. There will always be doubts in your training plan, whether you are doing too much or too little, but I have found that I need to focus that energy to a specific activity like strides, more sleep, better drills, race day visualization... I feel less anxious because I am being proactive.
AC: The one workout I really struggled on consisted of a 3 mile warm up, 3 mile tempo @ 6:00, 8x800 @ 2:50, 3 mile tempo @ 5:50, 2 mile cool down. It was a big workout and going in I was excited about the challenge but I struggled, mostly because I started too quick on the 3 mile tempo. In a workout like that, starting too fast can really derail the rest of the workout. This was a very valuable lesson I learned especially since the same concept applies to the marathon. I felt beat after the workout and my legs were tired for the next few days. I was racing a 10 miler 3 days later and I was sure it would not go well. I didn’t end up running as fast as I would have liked but I started conservatively and finished strong. I had to keep everything in context and just keep moving forward.
Lyndy racing CIM in 2015.
LD: My CIM build up has been the longest and most consistent training block I have ever had. This summer I worked on my speed and grabbing some track PRs so when I started marathon training I would have some new speed under my belt. I remember racing a 5k at the Summer Portland Track Series, knowing that if I had a PR, I would begin marathon training. I went through the line with a 16:33 PR and I remember walking over to Sally who was super-fanning her heart out near the finish line and told her my CIM training started today. I was excited and nervous to start the marathon buildup, but once you are in the groove nothing feels more reassuring than looking back at your training calendar and the sacrifices (and badassery) that you have accomplished in the last couple months. A lot of silent miles, stomach aches, hungry cooldowns, and road miles obsessively checking my GPS. After a long build-up, I am excited to show off my fitness! I have never felt more prepared to race 26.2 miles. Head up, wings out, this bird is ready to fly and fight!
AC: This training cycle has been so much better than last year. I feel stronger and more resilient; my legs feel like they can handle more. I don’t know if fitness-wise my pace is much faster than last year but I know I am more prepared to race a smarter race. I have nailed down my nutrition plan, a problem I ran into on race day last year. I have goals of running a 2:30 marathon but I am not quite there yet. I can’t force my body to run a pace just because I want to (as much as I tried to this year). It’s a gradual process and I will get there at some point. Right now, I am aiming for a sub 2:37, but all in all I want to have a good experience and end this year on a high note. I stopped mid-race on my first race of 2017 so I have come a long way this year and have learned to be okay with being where I am. Through this cycle & year, I have struggled off and on with my confidence. I overcompensate by pushing too hard. The last couple of weeks I pulled back, putting my faith in myself that I can do it and don't have to prove it. I am excited to be back running the marathon and on a bigger stage. It also always helps being surrounded by teammates!
Good luck to Lyndy, Andie, and all the birds taking on CIM! We will be there to cowbell you to the finish.
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