In our Volée Community, you’ll find a group of women from diverse running backgrounds, with different goals, who’ve come together to connect, support girls in sport, help elite athletes in their athletic pursuits, and to expand their network of those who support women’s rights. Connecting with other teammates can be challenging in the middle of a pandemic, so how do we do it? Our Volée Community App.

Social Connections as we know it have been turned upside down and in some cases completely disappeared. But there is something that has grown stronger during this test of time - the Volée.

Yes, we know what you are thinking, in real life meetups are non existent, so how does a group of athletes grow stronger right now? Well, that’s because this team is about so much more than running. In the Volée Community App, our exclusive team space, intertwined with valuable information and resources, you’ll find women bonding over running, but that is only the common thread that brings us together.

So, what will you find in the App? There is a typical main feed to share posts on training, milestones, race day reports and even our favorite new gear with a global group of teammates, but that is only the beginning. Let’s dig in.

  • Looking to make friends in your area?

Each state has a group, where you can connect with local birds in your area, as well as hear about fun things and events your local leaders are hosting to connect each other, mostly virtual for now. Traveling (or maybe just dreaming of traveling again) check out that local team to get the best running routes for your trip.

  • Need a place to connect with like-minded teammates, free from outside social media noise?

If you identify as a Woman of Color we have a private space for you to speak openly, free from outside feedback. If you are an ally like me, in our DEI resources group, you’ll find discussions on anti-racism work as well as a monthly book club featuring topics to better support our Women of Color. There is a space for our LGBTQ+ teammates to connect and converse. For our non-drinking Volée, you can join our SoBirds group to share resources, lean on each other and socialize.

  • The meat and potatoes of the Volée App is our Topics chats.

You’ll find Mothers and Masters athletes connecting about changing bodies and lifestyles. Conversations on trail running, injured athletes, and training at a social distance with a video library of workouts from our Haute Volée Team. Looking for a new job, don’t miss the careers transition topic channel to network with other teammates.

  • We started a video podcast, exclusive for the Volée App - it's a must see feature!

It's a series of video interviews with Volée members where we talk a little about running and a lot about their life. Running is the common thread that brings us to the team, but in real life there are multiple other ways we identify; we dig into those other ways in these chats.

So if you are looking for connection and community to share training highs and lows, connect with local friends, or share discussions on ways to be more inclusive teammates, then look no further. Join us, membership is now open.  

Carolyn Gardner
Tagged: social team