
Every year has a different flavor, and a different end-of-year feeling. 2017? Well, I’ll classify it as a growing year. And growing can feel uncomfortable in that breaking the husk, sending out shoots kind of way.



1. Transition to Haute Volée Team Manager.

I knew it would be hard to fill KMet’s shoes. She is the gold standard of emotional intelligence and straightforward support. But I am so thankful to be in this role at Oiselle. What a gift! I love hearing from the hundreds of talented women who write and call in (although I do wish we could sign each and every one—Bob told me I’m basically a crazy cat lady but instead of cats it’s women runners. I planted a money tree and when it starts flowering, get back in touch with me!).


I love meeting my heroes and getting to chat them up about their track and field journeys. I love hearing our elites’ ins and outs of training, injuries, and life. And nothing beats the thrill when someone has a breakout moment. [Lyndy Davis, I’m looking at you!] It’s a huge honor to be on this ride and to play even a small supportive part in our Haute Volée’s personal successes. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. And thank you, Volée, for supporting our team.


2. Embracing Change.

Ugh. Change is hard, right? But what I’ve seen over and over is that change can be so energizing. And it is NECESSARY FOR GROWTH. This year I’ve really tried to roll with the punches. Heather Feather leaving to WeRoam the world? Mother-F yes we miss her but without her leaving I wouldn’t have had the opportunity to work with the gift of Steph “best Sally Rabbit portrait” Willett. (The glasses definitely gave her portrait an unfair advantage.) Love that woman.



Deciding to go with one BigBirdCamp2018 instead of our awesome Regional BirdCamps? Scary! But our preliminary planning has me so excited and motivated that I can’t wait for next August! Take me to Pennsylvania right now haha!

Instead of trying to chase past moments, I’m working on being open to what is next. Change = opportunity.

3. Now I’m just going to cheat and list all of my other favorite moments of 2017.

In typical Oiselle fashion we did so many things I can’t even remember them all, so I have to audit my pictures.


The Tenacious Ten: our first race baby! Don’t miss it in 2018.


Track and Field World Championships in London. A perfect vacation, my 25th anniversary present, 3 hours of the best T&F every day and that steeple final


The eclipse, Zadie Thomas entering the world (!), and my boys: I love you! 


And, I can't leave out Bras for Girls! My favorite Oiselle program. 

2018, let’s see what you got. 



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Allyson Ely