One of Oiselle’s legacies is partnering with strong, activist women. Women such as Lauren Fleshman, Kara Goucher, and Alison Mariella Désir as they work to improve the sport, the running industry, and the world in general. In Alison’s two years of partnership with Oiselle, we have seen her community-building superpowers up close here in Seattle. In a short amount of time, Alison and her husband Amir created the Seattle Running Collective and helped grow the diversity (and collaborative attitudes) of Seattle area running crews. Alison’s warm and energetic personality makes positive waves wherever she goes.

While the “official” contract between Oiselle and Alison comes to a close this summer, the partnership and support will continue. Let’s take a moment to say THANK YOU to Alison for making this move to Seattle, and hear from her on upcoming plans she’s got cooking!

Sally: Wow! Has it really been two years? Indeed it has…Your family moved across the country out of NYC. What has that shift in location and pace been like for you?

Alison: It’s been a mix of excitement and culture shock! Finding our place was difficult initially because we came during the time of strict restrictions in Seattle so everything was shut down. And then adjusting to a slower pace of life took some getting used to but I would say that we are all thriving now. Having such easy access to the outdoors and the support of the running community has made all the difference.

S: Let’s talk about Kouri: heart melter, friend maker, you shared with us earlier: In the end, all of my work is about making the world a safer place for my son.” How has moving out here shaped that statement about your work thus far, how has it changed or evolved (your convictions, hopes, philosophies, or worries)?

A: Kouri is the most important person in my life. His happiness and access to resources/community/connection/education is everything for me. I learned the term “environmental migration” recently and that is exactly what our move was. We wanted to put Kouri in an environment where he could have the best chances to thrive. Unfortunately, where we were living in New York was an area where poor air quality and other environmental factors impact life expectancy; we had the privilege to be able to leave that neighborhood but unfortunately not everyone can (nor should they have to). So I feel really good about the choices we were able to make for our son.

Externally, I continue to work within the running industry to expand opportunities for people to access the life changing power of the run and the outdoors. Watching the news is terrifying because there are so many obstacles my son and his generation will face, but I continue to put my head down and focus on making the biggest impact in the arena I can - the running and outdoor industries.

S: You’ve made an impact by bringing your AMD flair to your apparel collection collaboration - from the creative inspiration to the marketing. You reached women who otherwise would not have known of Oiselle. What would you like to say about your amazing collection coming out this fall?

A: Oiselle’s clothing is amazing. I wanted to make sure that people like me - Black, bigger bodied, mothers - could see themselves in the clothing and in the values of the company. I’ve loved being able to create partnerships for Oiselle with organizations like Run 4 All Women, BX Bike Girl Gang, and Seattle Running Collective, to name a few - that invite new communities into Oiselle and let them know they are welcome.

S: While this chapter is coming to a close, our story together isn’t over…any closing words you’d like to share?

A: I’ve loved the opportunity to have such an influential position at the brand - from being an Athlete Advisor to being the Director of Sports Advocacy. To be able to provide my input and support of an already unique and disruptive brand has been an experience I will not forget. I’m thankful for everyone at Oiselle who has been so supportive of me. I know that our paths will continue to cross and I look forward to causing more good trouble with y'all!

S: And from the Nest to you: Thank you, AMD, for heading out west all the way from Harlem. You’ve made a positive difference in our lives - individually, as a brand and for the community as a whole. We’ll be seeing you!


Your fans and friends,

The Nest

Sally Bergesen
Tagged: social team