Sarah Mac

Weekend Update January 25


Welcome to another titillating episode of Weekend Update Oiselle Style!

1. Holy 3K fastness!!! Kate Grace @fastk8 rockets her 3000m indoor debut at The Dempsey, running an incredible season opener of 8:55 in a stacked race, outkicking Abby D'Agostino and Jordan Hasay in the last 100m. Needless to say, the K8 cheer squad was in full force, with 25 or so birds there to yell and chant "K8 K8 K8" through the final laps. All in all, it bodes well for the Millrose Mile coming up in February. More deets on that soon, mes amis! (Want to see pics? Check out Twitter feed...good stuff!)


2. In celebrity running news: Julie Bowen lost a race to Jimmy Kimmel resulting in a hilarious Twitter take-over with Tweets like "Acting is SO EZ and you make SO much MONEY!!!!!".  Sally immediately saw her opportunity, challenged Mac to a race and kicked her arse. Sooooo… @oiselle_sally will be tweeting from @oiselle_mac's account this Tuesday. Hang on to your hats.


3. Off to the races with KMet! We're starting a weekly blog by our beloved team wrangler, Kristin Metcalf. Check out her first post, and look for it every Wednesday.

4. Mac made the pilgrimage back east where she visited running stores, ran with ambassadors and clocked lots of miles in her mom’s Honda. Read more.
