
Sexy core. How to explain? Sally and I created an alarm to go off daily to remind us to get up and do a few core moves during the work day. We called that alarm "Sexy Core", an ironic joke to us. Sort of like "bikini body". Ha. What is a bikini body? Of course when the alarm went off we'd do a little Sexy Shanna shimmy and get to some planking.

Then one day Jen Bigham, from Team Oiselle, was sitting at my desk and saw the alarm. She tweeted to me (I was home) hope you're doing "sexy core" or something. Our inside joke was totally outed. And now we have Tweeps sexy coring with us!

Today we had a great session, with 'requests' from you all!

Alright so now that the joke is out, lets rename Sexy Core. Please! Dream up a name for us!
