
At the conclusion of this year’s Track and Field Trials in Eugene, we are basking in the awesomeness of our Oiselle team. But we’re not done! We've discovered that sponsoring pro athletes is just one way we can "woman up" in this world. We also greatly admire women who, like us, use running and sport to inspire other pursuits. So it is with great pleasure that we introduce Oiselle Muses: a group of women (we're starting with six!) who inspire us with their fire, their character, and their dedication to creating positive change in the world. And perhaps most importantly, their willingness to be loud and proud with their stories - so we can all share, learn, grow.

It is our tremendous honor to be affiliated with these women...an Olympian, a fighter pilot, yoga instructors, body-movers, thinkers, and visionaries. Beyond simply wearing Oiselle, you'll see these Muses collaborating on blogs, projects, events, and more. As Amanda Stuermer says, "we're addicted to inspiration!" Please join us in welcoming these amazing women to the Oiselle family!

Oiselle Muses 

Amanda Stuermer
Founder and Director of World Muse, a social change organization located in Bend, OR.


Nikki Myers
Founder of Y12SR, the Yoga of 12-Step Recovery. Y12SR is a relapse prevention program that weaves the art & science of yoga with the practical tools of 12-step programs.


Nikki Myers left, Sarah Lesko right!

Lauryn Williams
Summer and Winter Olympics medalist and founder of Worth Winning, a financial planning firm focused on serving professional athletes.


Lauryn rocking summer's Sandy Bikini #flystyle. 

Kyleanne Hunter
Former Marine Corp helicopter pilot turned research fellow and instructor in International Security and Diplomacy.


Dr. Melody Moore
Founder and President of the Embody Love Movement Foundation, a non-profit whose mission is to empower girls and women to celebrate their inner beauty, commit to kindness, and contribute to meaningful change in the world. 


Jill Catherine
A woman of many expressions in the world, Jill is a dancer and drummer, a speaker, an educator, and a communications consultant, who helps others to integrate body-mind-spirit.


Right: Jill after her performance at Totally Trials 16! 


July 13, 2016 — jacquelyn scofield

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